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Helpful Tips For Working From Home

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Helpful Tips For Working From Home

April 20, 2020
By Matthew Golda

Get Reliable IT Services With MSEDP

With much of the country still on lock-down due to the spread of COVID-19, working from home is the new normal. New York State recently announced that the stay at home order will be extended to May 15, so nothing is going to change for at least another month. So if you have been working remotely from home, that will be going to continue. Which means that is imperative that you have everything you need to stay productive.

Working from home presents new challenges and some obstacles. This is new for many people, who may be uncomfortable and feel unproductive while working at home. Everyone who works from home has different challenges, but there are some simple ways to stay productive during the work week. MSEDP can help you successfully work from home and be the best worker you can be! We offer many great web services that you can take advantage of! Set up e-commerce with your site and start selling online. Or better utilize your remote workstation. You can also give your site some needed upgrades, so when things do get back to normal your website is ready to go! Contact us today for more details. We are here to help!

In the meantime, here are some helpful tips for becoming the most productive remote worker you can be!

Maintain Regular Hours & Create Routines

Set a regular schedule and stick to it. Having a clear timeline for working hours enables optimal productivity and allows for remote workers to maintain a nice work-life balance. There is a delineation between working hours and hours for daily life. Keeping them separate while at home is important. Also, we all have our own routines and structures that get us through a workday, so maintaining that at home is key, too. Come up with some routines throughout the day, like you would in the office. Make that cup of coffee, or take a quick walk outside. Try to stay as regular as possible. And good routines can keep you focused and happy.

Schedule Break & Utilize Them

You know your company’s break policy, so use them accordingly. Again, like you would if you were in the office. And use your breaks for their full duration. If you have an hour lunch, take that break for an hour. This allows you to regain some normalcy in your day. Also, it is important just to get away from work. A good break should refresh you for the rest of the day. Don’t waste it.

Keep A Dedicated Office Space

In an ideal world, remote employees would have not only a dedicated office, but also two computers, one for work and one for personal use. It’s more secure for the employer, and it lets you do all your NSFW activities in private. But not everyone has a separate office in their home, and keeping two machines isn’t always realistic. Instead, dedicate a desk and some peripherals only for work use. For example, when your laptop is hooked up to the monitor and external keyboard, it’s work time. When it’s on your lap, that’s personal time. You may want to go as far as partitioning your hard drive and creating a separate user account for work.

Socialize With Your Co-Workers

Loneliness, disconnect, and isolation are common problems when working remotely, especially when you are used to seeing everyone at the office. Utilize chat channels and socialize with your co-workers. Discuss common interests, what you have been doing, anything really. This sort of interaction will help you feel connected with the people you work with. Remember, everyone is in the same situation as you, so you are not alone. Regain some normalcy and see what they have been doing to get through this tough time.

Be Positive

This last one is easier said than done, but it is important to stay positive right now. This is an unprecedented situation, but we are all in this together. Be positive when you are working and interacting with your fellow co-workers. This ordeal will not be made any better by being upset and down about it. Carrying a positive attitude will help everyone move on.

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