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COVID-19 Update: MSEDP is operational and committed to responding to the needs of our customers.
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7 Simple Benefits of Having A WordPress Website

WordPress has been around since 2003 and has morphed into one of the most popular and easy-to-use platforms for web designers. It started small as a simple blogging site, but has become so much more. It is the most widely used content management system and accounts for over 20% of all new websites. And many trusted companies utilize the great benefits of WordPress for their websites, such as The New York Times, CNN, UPS and eBay.

MSEDP offers affordable website design through WordPress. So if you don’t have a WordPress site, but are interested in one, please contact us today! We will gladly go over all of the WordPress options available to you. The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. When you call, we can go over all of the benefits of using WordPress and how we can make it happen for you!

WordPress is Open Source

Since WordPress is open-source software, you have access to core files and documentation. This means the community of developers and users are at your disposal. So there is a lot of information out there for you to look into. And if you have an issue, there is bound to be someone else who had a similar experience. A quick Google search for the problem will likely find a solution to the problem. You can also submit questions to the vast WordPress community and get a reliable reply back. All of this saves so much time if and when an issue happens. And since the community is so vast, issues get identified and resolved pretty quickly. So if you have a problem with an app, a simple update to whatever component (core, theme, plugin, etc) was at fault is likely ready for you.

Plugins Make It Easy To Grow Your Website

A plugin is simply an add-on to the site. This add-on can add or improve specific functions, like a calendar, e-commerce or adding registration. The possibilities seem endless! And a good majority of them are free. Of course, with every plugin comes the time and effort to get things set up properly, but again, MSEDP can help with this.

Wordpress LogoThere are a few factors to consider when selecting plugins. Functionality, number of downloads, rating, and how often the plugin is updated. A good track record is important, like with any other purchase. And seeing what others say is valuable information and helps the decision-making process.

Makes Search Engine Optimization Easy!

Perhaps the biggest benefit of WordPress is the simple and easy setup for search engines. What good is a website if no one finds it? Or if the meta details get set up incorrectly? You have the ability to quickly and easily set up permalinks so that they are neat. WordPress also has great organizational features, such as categories for blog posts. And there are helpful SEO plugins, like YOAST, which helps you organize meta descriptions and titles (and is FREE). All without having a headache!

Mobile Responsive Web Design

Mobile traffic has surpassed normal desktop traffic, so it is important that your website works just as well on a phone as it does on a laptop. So, responsive web design is no longer just an option, but a must. When you opt for a WordPress website design, you get the added benefit of responsive web technology.

Seamless Social Media Integration

Having your business on social media is great, but are you getting the full benefits? With WordPress you would be. WordPress themes offer seamless integration with social media accounts. So you won’t need to login to those accounts to share posts or news. There are simple and easy plugins that can set that up for you.

Built-In Blog

Everyone knows that WordPress got its start as blogging software. But blogging is still a key benefit of WordPress. Its blogging setup is still the best out there and is easy to manage. You can assign posts to different categories, attach tags to them for additional levels of organization, and add featured images, which helps when you share them through social media sites. Having a blog is the perfect way to create new content and keep your site active. Search engines do not like unused sites, so keeping it active with fresh content also improves your SEO!

Ability to Switch Designers

Not only does MSEDP build new WordPress sites, we can also host and manage preexisting WordPress sites. So if you worked with a developer in the past, but want to move on, MSEDP can expertly handle all of your web needs! This is possible due to how simple and easy-to-use WordPress is. Its universal open-source platform makes it easy for you to transition from one designer to another without fearing the unknown. MSEDP offers affordable WordPress maintenance packages to help you manage your website.

June is winding down, which means so is National Internet Safety Month, but we wanted to still raise awareness about another pressing issue that many businesses deal with on a regular basis: phishing scams. Phishing is a form of fraud when a cyber-criminal acts like a real person or a business in order to acquire your sensitive and/or confidential information. This information includes, but not limited to, usernames, passwords, credit card information, and network credentials.

So, you think you're on top of it and this can never happen to you? Well, think again. Internet scammers use sophisticated techniques when they “fish” for your information. Many attacks happen primarily by email. However, they can come in many different forms, including social media, pop-up ads, “vishing” (phishing by phone), “smishing” (phishing by text message), and “pharming” (phishing by directing to fake websites). So it is important to always be aware of a potential scam. One tiny slip and wrong click and you can be compromised. It happens to the best of us.

If you believe you have been compromised, or fear you may be in the future, then please contact MSEDP today. We have years of experience helping web clients deal with phishing scams and other cybersecurity issues. We offer excellent protection and security from phishing scams and other malware against your website and computers. So please, do not hesitate to reach out today! The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. When you call, we can provide you with a no-obligation consultation and go over any issues you are having.

Some Tips To Protect Yourself

Credit Phishing ScamsHere are some general tips to help keep you safe from any possible phishing scams:

Of course, internet safety is a year-round issue. However, it is important to designate time to raise awareness about internet security and what you can be doing to keep your website and devices secure. There are numerous ways to keep your site and devices safe from potential dangers. But one simple way to handle these challenges is to follow these three words: Stop, think, and connect. These words come as a recommendation from The National Cyber Security Alliance. MSEDP is also here to help with all of your internet and web security needs. So please, do not hesitate to reach out to us today. Learn how to be safer on the internet and what you can do to limit outside forces from infiltrating your browsers and devices.

Stop, Think & Connect

This is a mantra of The National Cyber Security Alliance. These words raise caution and aim to help all internet users locate any dangers on the web. By following them, you can quickly pinpoint any malicious software or solicitations and make your time using the internet exponentially safer.

Internet SafetyStop

I don’t want to sound hyperbolic or anything, but every time you log onto the internet it is potentially an access point for malicious attempts against you. So stopping simply means to be aware of your surroundings and understand that your actions have consequences.


We have all heard “don’t talk to strangers.” Well, take that sentiment and apply it to your time on the internet. Always be a little wary of requests from strangers. However, you do also have to think about your friends, too. You may receive an unsolicited request from a “friend,” like your bank or credit card company. These solicitations will ask, unprompted, for information regarding private information. Heck, you may even receive a request of some kind from a “friend,” this time being a person you know. But it is actually a hacked account. In a nutshell, any incoming communication that is asking for action or personal information should be taken with a grain of salt. So, raise those red flags and proceed with caution.


Lastly, there is of course the connection. Which you want to be secure, especially when entering sensitive information, like passwords, credit cards, etc. So it is important that you’re on a secure site with HTTPS in the URL. Always enable strong authentication tools, like 2-Factor Authentication, biometrics, or security keys whenever possible. This holds doubly true when accessing sensitive information. On a yearly basis, there are on average 9 million Americans who have their identities stolen each year. So please, be aware of your surroundings when on the web and don’t give away valuable information without following through with these protocols.

Turn To MSEDP For Help Securing Your Internet & Devices

MSEDP IT Services LogoWhat Stop, think, connect means to do is raise awareness of some danger you may come across while surfing the web. However, malicious data and software can still infiltrate even the most cautious of users. That is why it is important to have the proper security team at your side. When you turn to MSEDP, we will make sure you are fully prepared for the worse, if it comes. We offer the best in disaster recovery and cybersecurity services. So please, do not hesitate to reach out today. When you turn to us, you will be getting affordable cybersecurity. The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. We look forward to helping you safely manage your devices.

Email marketing is often an underlooked area in terms of marketing for a business. MSEDP has developed an email marketing system that is designed to send out mass emails in the form of a newsletter. And you have options as to how you’d like to send out these emails. They can be sent in plain text or you can enhance and customize them with our page editing system. Email newsletters can also be outfitted with graphics from your website as well as the same navigation tools. So, in a way, it is almost like emailing your whole site!

With MSEDP, Target Clients With Effective Email Newsletters

For more information about the effectiveness of email marketing, please give our office a call. We are located in Deer Park, New York, right on Long Island, but our email marketing services are offered to web clients from around the country. So please, do not hesitate to reach out today for more information. The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. When you call, we can provide you with a free, no-obligation consultation.

Email Marketing CampaignsWhy Email Marketing Works

The rise of social media has made using those platforms much more useful. However, many businesses abuse those outlets, where it almost becomes a detriment. Email, though, remains the most effective way to nurture leads and turn them into customers. However, do not resort to unsolicited spam emails, because that is never a good marketing strategy. But focusing on improving your business’s email marketing can get more leads. Here are three reasons to consider a switch in focus.

Email Newsletters Offer A Targeted Campaign

It is estimated that as high as 99% of consumers check their email on a daily basis? That is every day. And that can’t be said of any other communication channel. This sort of reach is unparalleled. So a targeted newsletter means that your email will have a much higher likelihood of being seen. This differs from unsolicited emails, which result in those messages getting sent to the spam folder for no one to see.

You Own Your List

When you use any social media platform, you run the risk of your account being suspended or even deleted at any time without notice. Not to mention any followers either leaving the platform and taking away from your reach. However, the email list you use you own. No one can take those leads away from you. Those are people who signed up for a newsletter and request incoming messages from you. If they don’t want to receive the email, then they can of course unsubscribe and take their name off the list. But that list remains valid.

Emails Just Convert Better

Typically, people who buy products marketed through email spend more money than those who do not receive email offers. So, in a nutshell, email marketing has a great ROI (returns on investment). People are more engaged when they check their emails, at least when compared to the passive experience of scrolling through social media platforms. Sure, people use those platforms to actively search and find what they need, but it still isn’t the same level as a well-thought-out email marketing campaign.

Build a Trusted Audience

When you are sending out newsletters, you are sending to a captive audience. Which is half the battle when it comes to marketing. And if you are doing an effective job communicating with your client base, you can build trust with them, too. Add a personal touch to these emails to make those who open them feel welcome.

Call For A Free Consultation

When it is all said and done, email is simply the best way to make sales online. And MSEDP is here to make that happen for you! We can help set up and manage an email marketing campaign. For more information about how we can help, please contact us today. We, of course, are more than just a simple marketing company. We are also a website company. So we can design and build and new website for you. Already have a website? Well, we can upgrade your site to make it more modern. Simply give our office a call and receive a free consultation.

This may be stating the obvious, but it is important to keep your website safe and secure. Sometimes, that is easier said than done. And if you are struggling with security issues or simply don’t feel comfortable with your current situation, then perhaps we can help! At MSEDP, we will work tirelessly for you to ensure that your website is kept safe. One way we do this is with vulnerability assessments. For more information about our array of dependable security services, then please give us a call. The number to dial is (631) 761-7600. When you call, one of our experienced techs will discuss all viable options with you. We want you to feel safe and secure. And we do so at an affordable rate. So what are you waiting for? Give us a call today and get your website security up to par!

The Importance of Proper Web Security

Many compliance regulations require vulnerability assessments. But even if you do not require it, it is smart to do so. This way you can avoid attacks by identifying your network’s vulnerable systems and versions. We provide in-depth vulnerability scans on both your external and internal networks. At the end of our assessment, we will provide you with a very detailed report that includes all findings. One of our techs will go over these findings with you to make sure you fully understand them. And we will come up with a proper plan of action based on these findings.

MSEDP IT Services LogoBut like we said, many companies are mandated to be in compliance and reliable vulnerability assessments and scans can do the trick! This mandate can be by a vendor, client or the government. And the requirement is to get compliant with a cybersecurity framework. If you do any work with the government you have to be compliant with the security framework of their choice or they will seize all business with you. Not ideal. Unfortunately, most companies don’t even realize they need to be compliant until it’s too late. Don’t be one of those companies!

Vulnerability Assessments & Scans Will Get You Compliant

In many cases, not being compliant can be catastrophic. At MSEDP, we work with CISSP’s to get your company compliant to a multitude of frameworks including NIST, PCI, ISO 27001/2, and CIS, just to name a few. Every compliance starts off with a risk assessment. Call us now to schedule your risk assessment with one of our security professionals. Get dependable vulnerability scans and assessments when you turn to MSEDP! When you reach out, we will go over the various benefits this service offers your website and company.

It has become increasingly difficult to recognize when the enterprise has been breached or infected. Today’s hackers are smarter than ever, so simple firewalls and antivirus are no longer enough. You need a smarter solution. MSEDP’s powerful and dynamic Security Information Event Management (SIEM) and event log management solutions keeps an eye on all of your inbound and outbound traffic. We match the packets against an ever-growing database that triggers specific events. When you choose MSEDP for your cybersecurity services and vulnerability assessments, you are choosing the best!

Call MSEDP Today!

MSEDP has been helping websites stay secure for years. We have the experience necessary to handle any sort of job that comes our way. And although we are located on Long Island, New York, we offer our web security services for clients located across the United States. So you can feel safe no matter where you are located. For more information about our various web and tech services, please contact us today. We will gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have about vulnerability assessments and scans or any other website security issue. The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. When you call, one of our techs will assist you.

E-Commerce websites have been around for a while now. In a nutshell, what this does is allow customers to easily buy your products online. However, there has been a surge in the use of eCommerce websites due to the coronavirus pandemic. With many business locations shut down, consumers have flocked to the internet. So, having a website with e-commerce capabilities has made or broken businesses, since this is the safest way to shop.

But this surge is not temporary. Social distancing guidelines are expected to stay in effect for some time. How long is anyone's guess, but the summer months will definitely see this trend continue. And it is not a stretch to believe this pandemic will effect shopping tendencies through the fall and winter months. Even if the outlook is better, many people may resort to shopping online as the safe alternative. Which is why is it important to have an e-commerce shopping cart. This way you won't be losing as much business. The team at MSEDP can upgrade your website to allow for e-commerce capabilities. To learn more, please give our office a call at (631) 761-7600!

Add A Custom-Designed Shopping Cart To Your Website Today!

MSEDP LogoMSEDP can add a fully functional, custom-designed shopping cart and purchasing section to your already existing website. E-commerce websites allow you to easily add and edit product descriptions, photos, and prices to your product showroom. In the details, you can include shipping information and payment options at a checkout counter. And don't worry, there is no limit to the number of products that can be added to our e-commerce websites. So if you have a ton of products, that is okay! All of them can be uploaded. This is all due to our ability to break these products into categories. With this feature, you can organize your online store and make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.

Once added, all products displayed will have an instant "Add to Cart" feature, which simplifies the buying process. We put this button in an easy-to-see place, so there is no confusion. Our e-commerce websites also have a "log in" feature. This one comes in handy for those repeat customers. So if you know you have clients that come to the site often, this feature will make them happy.

Let MSEDP Upgrade Your Website

MSEDP has years of experience in designing and upgrading websites. We will work closely with you to ensure that you are getting exactly what you want from the e-commerce capabilities. We understand no two sites are the same. Our web designers offer a personalized touch with each client. There are excellent advantages when you utilize an e-commerce website for your business.

So please, if you are thinking about adding a shopping cart to your website, get in touch with the pros at MSEDP today. We will gladly answer any questions you may have regarding website design. The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. When you call, we can provide you with all of the necessary details on getting started, as well as go over all of the e-commerce features with you!

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the landscape of work offices around the country. Many jobs have moved to the home. At least the ones that can. However, the stay-at-home orders will slowly come to an end and social distancing measures will be implemented. This will be a tricky situation for many companies. How many people do you allow back in the office? Is anybody staying at home? What about the breakroom and meetings? These are decisions every company is going to have to make. Including right here at MSEDP.

Our IT Services Can Help You Continue To Work From Home

Twitter has recently come out and stated that some of their employees will be working remotely on a permanent basis moving forward. A Twitter spokesperson recently said the following, "We were uniquely positioned to respond quickly and allow folks to work from home given our emphasis on decentralization and supporting a distributed workforce capable of working from anywhere. The past few months have proven we can make that work."


Not every company is Twitter and we get that, but this time of working remotely can be used as a positive. Companies can evaluate who needs to work in the office when they slowly reopen and who can remain at home. Either for an extended amount of time or, like Twitter, on a more permanent basis. There are benefits to having fewer people in the office, such as less commuter traffic. And with fewer people in the office, there is less of a likelihood of any sort of sickness being passed around. Not just COVID-19. So everyone in the office can work in a healthier environment.

This only works, though, if you have the proper tools at hand. MSEDP will help you do just that. We help businesses across the country with their tech issues. And we can handle all aspects of running a website. So you can concentrate on other aspects. As part of our efforts, we can help you permanently set up employees to work remotely. We can provide you with all of the proper equipment to set up a complete remote workstation. Our techs will also give you advice on how to best manage your remote workstation. And if you have any issues, you can always reach out to us.

Call MSEDP For Help With IT Services

So if you need help managing the changing landscape, please contact MSEDP today. We can help you with any tech or web issues you may have. And we can provide you with the tools to succeed. The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. When you call, we can provide you with all of the necessary details to get the job done right.

SEO is a crucial aspect for small businesses to get ahead of their competition and fully grow their business. That is why MSEDP is proud to offer search engine optimization for all types of small businesses across Long Island, New York, as well as nationwide! When you turn to us, you will get clear, professional writing that will promote your company’s point of view, address your target audience specifically, deliver your marketing message, which will result in higher web traffic and sales.  So please, if you are interested in our SEO services for your growing small business, give us a call. The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. When you call, we can go over all of the details and benefits of choosing our search engine optimization services.

Why Small Businesses Should Choose MSEDP For SEO

Our expert SEO consultant will work with you to help get your website seen and push you ahead of the competition. We are a small business ourselves and we pride ourselves on providing a personal touch with our clients. You will not be added to some long list of websites we work on and never hear from us again. On the contrary, you will hear from us on a monthly basis as our SEO experts provide you with detailed reports and update you on the progress of the website. And by staying in touch with us, you will be able to quickly give us new focuses for the business, as well as update the keywords we came up with together. As a long-time SEO provider, we understand how quickly things can change and we will do our best to adapt on the fly with you.

Move Ahead of the Competition

Competition is a prominent factor in determining where your site is ranked for a specific keyword. No matter your industry or business, you will be competing for the same internet real estate. Dozens, if not hundreds, of other small businesses are working to get to that top spot, which is why SEO is so crucial. When you get the help of MSEDP, you will move ahead of your competition. We will target keywords that are not are general and highly searched and locate that sweet spot. This way you’ll still get the web traffic and visibility, but without a longer wait than necessary with organic SEO.

User-Friendly Websites

SEO For Small BusinessesSEO helps small businesses create a faster, smoother, and user-friendly website for their customers. Many people still cling to an older definition of SEO. They think it is only about optimizing for the search engines. However, the search engines are merely one piece of the puzzle. Today, SEO for small businesses is also about improving user experience on the website. At MSEDP, we can give your website a facelift and improve all the bells and whistles. And create a more SEO-friendly site that will keep people on your site.

Get A Captive Audience

A well-structured, clean, and uncluttered website will compel a casual visitor to stay longer. Thereby decreasing the bounce rate and increasing page views. This is important for the health of your website and for the search engine optimization. Pageviews and user interaction can actually boost your site’s SEO. And if people bounce right off? Well, you guessed it, that will hurt your website. At MSEDP, we can redesign your website to make it more stylish and keep a captive audience, which in turn improves your site’s SEO.

Create Interesting Content

Similarly, highly relevant content, such as sales pages and blog articles such as this, keeps your readers happy and engaged. This on-page SEO will not only make your users happy, but search engines too! They love to serve high-quality information to their users. So if they deem the content interesting, then you have more of a likelihood of jumping up the search engines. When you choose MSEDP’s search engine optimization services, an SEO expert will create interesting and engaging content on a monthly basis. Always aligning with your marketing goals. So you can just sit back and reap the rewards of higher web traffic. And the great thing about organic SEO campaigns is that they grow. The more clicks a site gets, the more authority it gains. These web pages are evergreen and will be paying off for years to come!

Save Money By Moving Away from Ads

Google Ads is a great way to jump to the top of the rankings. But you are paying for that position and depending on the keyword, you might be paying a pretty penny to be there. The more highly searched a keyword, the more Google will make you pay. But when you opt for organic SEO, you will be getting content on a monthly basis that stays there. It is an investment that will save you money in the long run. The SEO services we offer for small businesses is especially helpful, as money might be tighter. So any savings is worthwhile.

The Best SEO Services For Small Businesses!

Not receiving results from your current web content? Can’t find the right words to say? Then reach out to MSEDP and try their extensive SEO services for small businesses. As a top SEO Company on Long Island, New York, MSEDP will get you to the top of the search rankings. Our professional web content writing creates clear and engaging content that gets picked up by Google. When you turn to us, we will consult with you regarding your website and marketing goals and come up with keywords that align with your goals.

Even though our company is located on Long Island, we work with websites nationwide! For more information about our search engine optimization for small businesses, please contact us today. We will gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding improving your SEO. The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. We look forward to helping your small business!

It is important that you get the most out of your IT budget. When you choose MSEDP’s managed IT services you will be getting the most for your money! Our all-inclusive managed services packages are designed to provide system monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting like a full-time IT staff, but at a fraction of the cost. So please, give us a call today for more information. Learn about all the benefits our IT services can provide! The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. When you call, we can provide you with a free, no-obligation consultation. In this call, we will go over all of the various price points for the packages and how they benefit your website and business.

Managed IT ServicesThe Best Managed IT Services For Your Money

With a managed service package from MSEDP, we’ll use remote technology to monitor the health of your computers and network around the clock. So you can breathe easy at night knowing you’re in safe hands! We’ll perform system updates, virus prevention, and removal, data backup checks, essential maintenance, and troubleshooting. All of this is done without interrupting your workday with a support visit. However, you can get free on-site support hours, priority response times, and discounted rates for installations and projects depending on the monthly package you choose. We will come to you to help, within reason of course. MSEDP offers its managed IT services out of its Deer Park location, which is on Long Island, New York. So figure reasonable driving distances apply. Select from our bronze, silver or gold managed services packages.

Unlimited Helpdesk Support

When you choose MSEDP, you get our FREE Unlimited Helpdesk Support. This service comes with any of our managed services packages. This affords you the opportunity to call us any time you have an issue with a covered device. And you will not get charged extra. Outlook not opening? Internet slow? Screen upside down? Forgot your password? All of this is covered when you select one of our managed IT service packages. Call as many times as you want for one low price each month. We have bronze, silver and gold packages depending on your allotted budget and needs.

24/7 Monitoring

MSEDP offers cutting-edge software as part of our managed IT services. We get alerted when systems are acting up or are down. Even if it is two in the morning. This 24/7 monitoring allows us to be proactive rather than reactive. And, most importantly, it ensures that you are running optimally during business hours. So no matter what time of day it is, our monitoring services will be able to catch it.

Call To Learn More About Our Managed IT Services

MSEDP has years of experience offering affordable managed IT services that you can trust. We are located on Long Island, New York, but our managed IT services are available for clients nationwide. So please, do not hesitate to reach out and learn more about our capabilities. For more information, please contact us today. We will happily answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding our services. The number for our office is (631) 761-7600. When you call, we can provide you with our pricing options. We look forward to helping you however you need it!

With much of the country still on lock-down due to the spread of COVID-19, working from home is the new normal. New York State recently announced that the stay at home order will be extended to May 15, so nothing is going to change for at least another month. So if you have been working remotely from home, that will be going to continue. Which means that is imperative that you have everything you need to stay productive.

Working from home presents new challenges and some obstacles. This is new for many people, who may be uncomfortable and feel unproductive while working at home. Everyone who works from home has different challenges, but there are some simple ways to stay productive during the work week. MSEDP can help you successfully work from home and be the best worker you can be! We offer many great web services that you can take advantage of! Set up e-commerce with your site and start selling online. Or better utilize your remote workstation. You can also give your site some needed upgrades, so when things do get back to normal your website is ready to go! Contact us today for more details. We are here to help!

In the meantime, here are some helpful tips for becoming the most productive remote worker you can be!

Maintain Regular Hours & Create Routines

Set a regular schedule and stick to it. Having a clear timeline for working hours enables optimal productivity and allows for remote workers to maintain a nice work-life balance. There is a delineation between working hours and hours for daily life. Keeping them separate while at home is important. Also, we all have our own routines and structures that get us through a workday, so maintaining that at home is key, too. Come up with some routines throughout the day, like you would in the office. Make that cup of coffee, or take a quick walk outside. Try to stay as regular as possible. And good routines can keep you focused and happy.

Schedule Break & Utilize Them

You know your company’s break policy, so use them accordingly. Again, like you would if you were in the office. And use your breaks for their full duration. If you have an hour lunch, take that break for an hour. This allows you to regain some normalcy in your day. Also, it is important just to get away from work. A good break should refresh you for the rest of the day. Don’t waste it.

Keep A Dedicated Office Space

In an ideal world, remote employees would have not only a dedicated office, but also two computers, one for work and one for personal use. It’s more secure for the employer, and it lets you do all your NSFW activities in private. But not everyone has a separate office in their home, and keeping two machines isn’t always realistic. Instead, dedicate a desk and some peripherals only for work use. For example, when your laptop is hooked up to the monitor and external keyboard, it’s work time. When it’s on your lap, that’s personal time. You may want to go as far as partitioning your hard drive and creating a separate user account for work.

Socialize With Your Co-Workers

Loneliness, disconnect, and isolation are common problems when working remotely, especially when you are used to seeing everyone at the office. Utilize chat channels and socialize with your co-workers. Discuss common interests, what you have been doing, anything really. This sort of interaction will help you feel connected with the people you work with. Remember, everyone is in the same situation as you, so you are not alone. Regain some normalcy and see what they have been doing to get through this tough time.

Be Positive

This last one is easier said than done, but it is important to stay positive right now. This is an unprecedented situation, but we are all in this together. Be positive when you are working and interacting with your fellow co-workers. This ordeal will not be made any better by being upset and down about it. Carrying a positive attitude will help everyone move on.

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